CCM Join Breakout for Ben Virtual Fundraiser | CCM Blog

Breakout For Ben Virtual Fundraiser

We all know 2020 has been a difficult year, and we’re sure that you have heard on the news about how much charities have struggled. Ben is just one of those charities.

Who are Ben?

Ben – Support for Life is a charity that focuses on supporting people within the automotive trade. From truckers to garage technicians and car sellers, Ben covers everyone and their families too. They understand that life has its own challenges, and they work to help people make positive and long-lasting changes. Unfortunately, many of us will face a crisis in our lives, and Ben is here to support us through that. Each element of care and support is tailored to suit your needs and there is a wide range of support options available. If you are concerned about your mental or physical health, or your general well-being, they can help. They will work tirelessly to put an achievable plan together that has been tailor-made for your needs.

Ben also provides flexible and continuing care for those later in life, and this isn’t dependent on being connected to the automotive industry. With retirement villages, residential care centres and a day centre all being supported by Ben.

How CCM is Helping Ben?

As a business firmly placed within the automotive industry, we wanted to help out and raise money for people just like us who have fallen on hard times. That is why this February, we will be joining in with #BreakoutForBen. This is a virtual challenge to help cover £1 million lost in donations in 2020. Our team will be running, cycling and walking across Surrey and Sussex to raise funds to help Ben continue their amazing work. If you see us out and about, be sure to give us a wave!

How can you get involved?

We understand that not everyone has money to spare, but any donation you can make will be greatly appreciated! You can leave a donation for us here >

We will be clocking up our miles from the 5th – 14th of February. Be sure to check back here in a few weeks to see updates on our fundraising!

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